



You probably remember seeing your first play. 黑暗的剧院, 舞台像珠宝盒一样闪闪发光, the actors breathing life into characters and plot. 如果你是 那 人, the one who can’t imagine their life without 剧院, then consider 密歇根州立大学丹佛’s bachelor of fine arts in 剧院 program.

密歇根州立大学丹佛分校的B.F.A. in 剧院 degree is an intensive pre-professional program 那 offers two concentrations:

  • 音乐剧院
  • “应用剧场技术与设计”

音乐剧院 provides rich opportunities for performing; “应用剧场技术与设计” provides hands关于技术剧院的经验. These experiences are provided both in class and onstage as well as through on-campus productions, 在当地剧院实习.

Taught by veteran teachers who are also theatre and design professionals, you will receive the kind of mentoring you need to make your way as an actor, 剧场技术员或设计师, as well as discover ways to use your 剧院 training in other fields.

Benefits of Earning Your Degree at 密歇根州立大学丹佛


These are some of the opportunities you might have as an 密歇根州立大学丹佛 bachelor of fine arts in 剧院 student:

Perform or work in technical theatre areas on campus. Complete an internship with a local theatre company. Work on sets, lights, costumes, sound, props, and video crews in 丹佛 productions. 密歇根州立大学丹佛分校的B.F.A. in 剧院 degree program will help you develop artistically and professionally in class and beyond through the following:

  • Four major 密歇根州立大学丹佛 productions a year, including two musicals mounted in collaboration with the 密歇根州立大学丹佛 Music Department. All 密歇根州立大学丹佛 students are welcome to audition
  • Local, regional and national conferences for theatre and performing arts students
  • 剧院 Career Development II Senior Experience Course
  • Musical Review Showcase for 音乐剧院 students
  • 16 Student-directed One Acts each semester with auditions open to both students and community members
  • Required internship at places such as the 丹佛表演艺术中心, Arvada Center for the Arts and Humanities, 克里德话剧团, 好奇剧团, Glimmering Glass Opera and Utah Shakespeare Festival
  • Student organizations such as the 剧院 Tech Club, 舞台格斗俱乐部, Rowdy Town—密歇根州立大学丹佛’s improvisational theatre group or the Alpha Gamma Beta chapter of the Alpha Psi Omega National 剧院 Honor Society


As a 剧院 major you will perform and work in the King Center performing arts complex, one of the country’s most adaptive and accessible performance venues.

Plus you will have easy access to 丹佛’s performing arts community. The 密歇根州立大学丹佛 campus is located just walking distance from the 丹佛表演艺术中心 Complex, 布尔剧院在哪里, 艾丽·考尔金斯歌剧院, the Helen Bonfils 剧院 Complex and Boettcher Concert Hall.

职业发展机会 for Our 研究生s

The philosophy underpinning the bachelor of fine arts degree in 剧院 is 那 “剧院 is Equipment for Living.” The program is designed to prepare you for further graduate study or for careers as actors, 董事, 歌手, 服装技师和设计师, 照明技术人员和设计师, 化妆师, 音频技术人员, 景区建设与设计师, 编剧, 戏剧评论家, 舞台经理等. Many also leverage their 剧院 degrees in other fields including communications, 市场营销, 商业和非营利管理.




Department Chair, 教师 Advisory in Lighting & 良好的照明

雅各布•韦尔奇 teaches lighting and is an award-winning freelance lighting designer who works nationwide.




Professor, 教师 Advisor in Technical 剧院 & Technical Director for the BFA/ATTD Coordinator

布莱恩·凯利负责B.F.A. “应用剧场技术与设计” program and advises B.A. 戏剧专业和辅修专业. He teaches courses in stagecraft and theatre career development.



Professor, 教师 Advisor in Performance & BFA/MT协调员主任



密歇根州立大学丹佛 剧院 alumni have gone to work for these companies and organizations:

  • 科罗拉多莎士比亚节
  • Rosco
  • 丹佛儿童博物馆
  • Phamaly
  • 蓝人组合
  • 无线电城音乐厅
  • Kaiser Permanente
  • 2014年冬季奥运会
  • “How to Train Your Dragon Live Spectacular”
  • 太阳马戏团
  • 丹佛表演艺术中心
  • 奥罗拉狐狸艺术中心
  • 大会堂艺术中心(利特尔顿)
  • 博尔德晚餐剧院

密歇根州立大学丹佛 剧院 alumni have also pursued advanced degrees at these schools:

  • 华盛顿大学
  • 俄亥俄大学
  • 埃克塞特大学
  • 伦敦大学国王学院
  • 佛罗里达州立大学
  • CALArts


The 戏剧系 at 密歇根州立大学丹佛 is accredited by the National Association of Schools of 剧院, the national accrediting agency for theatre and theatre-related disciplines. Only two universities in Colorado have this distinction.

联系戏剧系 & 跳舞

电话: 303-615-1414